Bustin' the Newbie Blues meme
The Versatile Award (my second acceptance!)- Fun facts!
The SOS Book of the Week
Christmas Happenings: A Holiday Meme- Week Two
Forever Favorites Review: The Big Empty
I'm in a bookish bind... I've been having trouble really getting into new books this month because of everything Christmas! Expect more updates like the Forever Favorites review through December. Currently, I'm reading 'The Hourglass Door', which seems to be keeping my interest! (Fingers crossed!)

Before I get to the question-- check out this College Humor article, "Five Sci-fi Childrens Books". It's quite cute! My favorite is the Doctor Who themed one!
The Question is:
What is the thing you like most about reading book blogs? Is it the reviews, author guest posts, articles, giveaways, or something else entirely?Answer: There are so many things I love about browsing book blogs. I'm a lurker by nature when it comes to blogging, but rest assured I do visit your blogs!! :-) I typically like reading reviews of books I've read already and seeing how my thoughts differ to said reviewers.
Contests are also a plus, but I really dislike when people require you to follow them, especially when they already have hundreds of followers. I understand the idea is to promote yourself, but I'm not one to follow a blog just to enter a contest. Other than that, contests are awesome!
Thanks for stopping by! All those who made comments this week-- you rock! I'm slow at returning the favor, but I will!!! Have a happy hop!!!
I love finding new books and authors as well as seeing what the blogger thought about them! My hop is at Coffee Table Press
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I love to see what other book bloggers thought of books that I've read too. It makes me smile when another blogger loves a book as much as I do :D
Have a great weekend :)
I definitely like seeing how people's opinions vary with mine in reviews.
Ooh, I'm curious about The Hourglass Door. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it!
I'm a bit of a lurker too.
Hope you have a nice weekend. :)
I understand what you mean about feeling forced to follow to enter a contests/giveaways, but I don't think it is just about promotion for the blogger. I think most just want to show appreciation to those that follow.
Good thing there are many types of giveaways out there. Variety for all kinds of likes is good.
Happy Weekend.
Hello, I stopped by your blog today.
Just stopping by. I hope your weekend is fabulous!
I love to enter the giveaways. It's always exciting to be exposed to new books with the possibility of getting to read them.
You're a lurker? LoL :o) I like contests and giveaways as well. They're fun! Happy hopping!
All- Thanks for hopping along!
SmallReview- So far so good on The Hourglass Door. I'll post a review when I'm finished!
Laura- I know, quite a surprise, isn't it! :p
Hey Brooke, just returning your hop! I didn't know you liked the Enchanted Forest Chronicles too - awesome :D Have you read anything else by Patricia Wrede?
Also, I too like to read other bloggers' reviews of books I've already read to see the similarities and differences in our reactions.
Hop! I love that College Humour article :)
Hopping through. I especially like reading reviews of books I've read too.
My Hop
Hopping through =]
I like reading reviews on books I've already read too, especially if the blogger who wrote the view had different opinions on the book than I did. I also like reading reviews about books I've got on my TBR list, just about any review, I'll read it! :L
I'm a new follower!
Have a great weekend,
Bella @
I love seeing how other people's opinions on a certain book gel with mine. It's always interesting to see what we agree/disagree on.
I also find it annoying when people require you to Follow their blog in order to enter a giveaway, although I definitely understand why they do.
Glad to have found you via the Hop!
Stoppin by from the Blogger Hop! New follower.
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