This Week on the Blog:
Review: Enclave
Hunger Games Movie News
I'd like to remind you all about the review I did of Stacey Kade's 'Queen of the Dead'. It just arrived at the bookstore (mine, at least!). It comes highly recommended from Brooke's Box of Books!
Also, congrats to Ricki at Reading Challenged! Ricki recently won a copy of 'Sweet Valley Confidential' courtesy of Francine and Ann Marie!
And onto the Hops...
The Question of the Week is:
What book-to-movie adaption have you most liked? Which have you disliked?
Answer: By far the worst adaptation known to man (or me at least) happened to one of my favorite book series-- The Dark is Rising sequence. Susan Cooper's 'The Dark is Rising' was adapted into the travesty that is known to movie folks as 'The Seeker'. *shudder* I don't blame acting, directing, or the decision to cast an American lead instead of a British one. I blame the script writer, John Hodge. John, just so you know, I'm never hiring you-- for anything-- ever. Mr. Hodge decided the term adaption meant keeping the main characters names the same as in the book, but re-writing everything else. And I mean everything. Heck, he invented a twin brother for Will and decided that Will, the human boy, would be one of the signs! How ridiculous. John Hodge, you suck. (Oddly enough, he hasn't actually worked on anything according to IMDB since 'The Seeker'. Just desserts? I think so...) His excuse was that the book originally didn't have enough action to keep the story entertaining. Well, I agree to an extent. But that means using your brain to enhance the features in the book or, if you want to add something, add something that makes sense.
Ironically enough, my favorite movie that was adapted from a book is 'The Neverending Story'. I know it jumps from the book in large ways, but I think it's fantastic. While it may not play out entirely like the book, the feeling of the book was definitely present. And seriously, Atreyu trying to get Artax to cross the the Sea's of Sadness (or whatever it was called-- I forget at the moment)-- so sad!!!

The Question of the Week is:
How many books do you read in a week? And in what format do you read them, or listen to them?
Answer: I typically bank one book a week. 99% of the time it is a physical book, not an ebook. I don't really have an e-reader, though I'm considering getting the new Nook Simple Touch eventually... I'd love an e-reader I could put my manga scans on, but I don't know how in the heck I'd ever do that!
And that's it for this week! See ya again soon!
Putting manga scans on an ereader is a very good idea! If I ever get an ereader I will try to do that.
Hey Brooke, just stopping by on the follow & hop. I'm a new follower.
I have issues with books made into movies!
Come see why!
Have a terrific weekend reading !!!
See ya!
Readaholics Anonymous
I totally forgot about The Dark is Rising! I haven't read the book but the movie was mehhh. Anyway, I'm a new follower and have a great weekend!
Teen Readers' Diary
That's such a great idea. Definitely want an ereader now.
Also liking the blog.
Amy@adumbrations (new follower)
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